17.07.2019 #liutai in villa

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schertler around the globe

Liutai in Villa - a new platform for Schertler

On 25th and 26th May, the inaugural Liutai in Villa took place in Miasino (Italy). The event, which forms part of the “Un Paese a Sei Corde” (A Country of Six Strings) festival series, is dedicated to classical and acoustic stringed instrument making, with instruments, demos and concerts featuring over the two days. In addition to testing Liutai Master instruments, visitors also had an opportunity to discover products from event partners Schertler, Savarez and G7th.

Schertler ambassador Dario Fornara reports: “The splendid location of Villa Nigra, an ancient palace dating from the 17th century, saw the participation of musicians and enthusiasts who were able to personally experience the instruments on display, as well as attend the afternoon demos and evening concerts given by guitarists Eric Franceries and Bebo Ferra. During Schertler's afternoon demos, I presented the Lydia and Magnetico M-AG6 amplification systems installed on a classical Schertler guitar and on a Chatelier acoustic guitar respectively. Almost an hour of music and technical details, with some advice resulting directly from the live use of these products connected to the Giulia Y, David and JAM amplifiers. This sparked great interest from both luthiers and the audience. A TOM PA system, Teddy monitor and Arthur Mixer formed the main system for the evening concerts. The system will be used for the entire Un Paese A Sei Corde festival series, since this particular event is only the first in a rich program that will continue throughout the summer period. Stephan Schertler was present on Saturday, as friendly and helpful as ever on these occasions.”


Schertler SA
via Beroldingen 18
6850 Mendrisio

CHE-104.762.948 IVA 
  +41 91 630 0710
  +41 91 630 0711
19 - 986.7

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