17.11.2022 #DYN P48

Galerie de photos

dyn makes its way though conquering new shores

DYN P48 contact microphones are our flagship contact microphones, being used by thousands of musicians and audio passionates all over the world.

Their fast transients, natural and accurate response and low risk of feedback made them the perfect tool for acoustic musicians that use them from small clubs to large arenas. During its thirty years of existence we have had testimonies from industry (vibration measurements), scientific and medical world, experimental musicians playing the ropes of ropeways or other amplifying the human heartbeat creating spectacular public performances, as well as the various artists of the ACxS project who used the DYN UNI P48 to create their samples. Long Story short... the DYN is winning over everyone who wants to amplify any vibration faithfully!


Italian composer and field recordist Antonino Russo started to use our DYN UNI P48 recently. After knowing each other online, Antonino came to visit us in Mendrisio and decided to implement two DYN UNI P48 in his microphone collection.

The result of his first experiences ended up in a video that perfectly matches our idea of The Sound of Sound.

You can watch the video at this link or at the end of the gallery here on the right.


Learn more about Antonino's works here.

DYN UNI P48 is available here.


Scroll the gallery on the right or watch more videos of the DYN P48 contact microphones.

DYN UNI P48 on a dock

DYN G P48 on nylon string guitar (by Goran Ivanovic)

DYN V P48 on violin (by Anais Drago)

DYN M P48 on mandolin (by Carlo Aonzo)




Schertler SA
via Beroldingen 18
6850 Mendrisio

Numéro TVA:
CHE-104.762.948 IVA 
  +41 91 630 0710
  +41 91 630 0711
297 - 6810.6

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