10.12.2020 #The new X series

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a look from within

2020 was an unexpected year, full of emotions, with many difficulties as well as challenges. And yet, from every dark moment, after all, comes a light. This year Schertler is happy to announce the release of its new series of amplifiers for acoustic instruments, the X series.

Although aesthetically GIULIA X, DAVID X, JAM X, UNICO X and ROY X are very reminiscent of the previous versions, the comparison in terms of sound leaves little room for doubt. Indeed, timbre accuracy, energy, neutrality and transparency are the concepts that have been worked on and that characterize the new X series.

In order to understand on a practical level the differences with the old generation amplifiers, Carmine De Luca, engineer and production manager, was asked to provide some insights on the subject.

In terms of perception, what has changed in the new series?

"Comparing the two lines, the X amplifiers have more sound projection capabilities and, consequently, the instrument played appears to be more present for the audience that listens to it. It is not simply a question of volume, but of dynamics and transient. The sound is even faster and more present. The sound impact for the musician is remarkable and immediate. In addition, the X amplifiers have more power. This is obviously perceived and widens the range of use; for example, if before it was not possible to entertain an audience of a certain size with a David, today with a David X it is possible. At the end of the day, one could say that the difference in sound between the X amps and any previous Schertler or competitor's amplifiers is clear to the ear of anyone listening."

Moving on to a more technical discussion, what changes have been made?

"The amplification stage and the electric circuit have been redesigned in the X series to improve the shielding against electromagnetic disturbances and to guarantee the supply of energy to the audio amplifiers of the new power supply.

The electrical circuit is therefore designed on 4 layers instead of 2, so that electrical connections can be made of a size suitable for the new powers in play. In addition, the audio inputs have been equipped with new noise filters. This detail is fundamental for the quality of the signal flow in the circuit, which is more accurate and faster, in order to increase the dynamics and allow the transient to pass out.

The care in the production and the testing phase of the X series are more rigid, not mechanized as for the "traditional" series, and this has a considerable impact on costs.

The new electronic crossovers of the bi-amp amplification have allowed us to obtain a more transparent and neutral sound, a much more pushed timbre and an enveloping sound image that goes beyond the expectations of both the musician and the listener.

The higher output was made possible by implementing a new, more generous linear power supply stage, with higher leveling and filtering capabilities than the old series, which made it possible to obtain more power, more dynamics and therefore a tighter and deeper mid-bass section.

Finally, we have redesigned some details of the sound box and, when necessary, changed speakers and transformers."


Schertler SA
via Beroldingen 18
6850 Mendrisio

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  +41 91 630 0710
  +41 91 630 0711
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